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羽扇一搖的个人空间分享 http://vicchoubaby.com/?123



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loi 2011-3-6 12:25
I like comedy & happy drama.
羽扇一搖 2011-3-6 09:51


loi 2011-3-5 12:35
羽扇一搖: 哈哈哈,这就是他的思路,类似地中海式贫血,就是在地中海游泳久了,会得贫血。这小子,脑子就是那么好用。谢谢你告诉我这个,因为视频中他都没讲过这些话呢。话 ...
I don't like Mars very much.
It's too depressing.
I only like Chen Ling.
It's one of few roles that Vic played is sort of outgoing.
I didn't know S before.
I don't know many Chinese stars.
I know some of them now all because of Vic's drama.

I am glad to know that.
I used to think Jerry is more popular in JP.
But lately I learn that's only because Jerry's trip or events in JP got on news more.
Like last time Jerry's song played in a JP chain stores or something like that.
It got on the news.
The same thing with Vic's song happened couple weeks or months earlier but the news didn't mention it.
loi 2011-3-5 07:38
I enjoy reading some old news from the link you gave me.
I found some interesting information.
I like this one.
ha ha ha
loi 2011-3-4 09:42
It's interesting that Mars is so popular among Vic's fans.
I used to like drama dealing with people's mental problem.
I guess I want to know what they are thinking.
But I am over that now.
I feel it's too depressing.
I like Vic as Chen Ling but I don't like Mars as much as other Vic's drama.
Therefore I don't like the leading lady that much.
I saw some Vic's TV programs with her.
I dislike some of her thinking I guess.

ha ha ha
It's true though.
He is so kind to other people no wonder everyone likes him especailly female.
I heard of Tianya's talk is mean so I don't like to go there very much.
I do find some good threads to go to.

There are usually some fans not reasonable. Vic's fans are not too bad. I think that Vic is a good example to follow so Vic's fans are not too bad on that area.  After being in Baidu for a while I notice Vic has some very wise fans to lead the new/young fans.

Thank you for the link.
I will try it out sometimes.
羽扇一搖 2011-3-4 08:23



loi 2011-3-4 01:12
羽扇一搖: 啊,太好了,你能看到就好,不然我白白写了那么多。等你看完了那些新闻后,自然会有自己的判断。如果你愿意,我也很想听听你的看法啦。
It might take me a long time to read all those news.
I kind of like your 分析 better.
It's hard to tell which part of news is true which is false especailly for some new fans like me.
You knew all the things going on around at that time so you probably know what's going on better.
I do notice that Vic usually did wait for the the female side to reply first.
I also read some fans mentioned that before.
From this news & Zhen's old video of Vic showed up on some charity event with Shiou that Zhen posted in one the old thread lately I notice something.
Both sort of related to Vic's personal relationship.
That's why I don't usually see them when I look for Vic's information to catch up Vic's past that I missed.
It's hard to find them because most of Vic's fans don't mention them.
That's probably why I found lots of old video I had never seen when I was reading some threads in Tianya. (from the list of 仔吧 suggested, not those "黑" 仔's thread-I can't stand those)
I tried read some old threads in LM but lots of pictures no longer there.
Tianya has big nice pictures in some Vic's threads.
loi 2011-3-3 10:58
I am such a slow learner.
I finally figuered out how to see the whole message you wrote.
Thank you for the hint.
loi 2011-3-2 10:32
How do I see the whole thing of your reply.
Is there more after ... ...?
loi 2011-3-2 09:37
I didn't know you answered me already.
I guess I am still learning how to use this new site.
Thank you for the link.
I will go look for it.
羽扇一搖 2011-2-27 18:42
如月夕子是我姐 2011-2-27 13:12
喔,那个泡泡很有色彩,真是人景相得益彰,不错不错(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
如月夕子是我姐 2011-2-27 13:09
在这里也可以见到你的身影,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……我一点也不奇怪,这事有点激动,因为见到朋友了(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……我以后有时间一定来着,留下我的只言片语还有足迹
羽扇一搖 2011-2-24 22:36
loi 2011-2-24 21:36
I am sorry that I asked so many questions & caused your problem.
Thank you for answering them with lots detailed information.
I am sorry that some fan wasn't happy about it & caused your trouble.
I could have asked you those questions privately but I really don't think I was the only one with questions.
I really learned a lot from the old articles you provided.
I was going to ask more question & have more comments but I didn't.
It would mention Da S & I know many people wouldn't like it.
Since it's pm now I will ask.

Did the press mistaken 葛福鴻 as Da S's mom & 長髮披肩經紀人呂淑娟 as Da S?
So they so called their love relationship came public from the car accident was never real?
Or they meant the 2nd car accident near Da S's house?

One report said that 車上有兩位男性朋友.
Other report mentioned that  Vic said there was none.
So they might be the other 2 cars' owers?
羽扇一搖 2011-1-29 11:30
loi 2011-1-29 10:32
Do you have Vic's 肉麻情歌?
If you do can you email me that?
Thank you.

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