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羽扇一搖 2012-6-17 21:29
loi: thank you so much for finding all these stuff
羽扇一搖 2012-6-14 07:29
loi: reading this post from Yu with that song
somehow it made me really want to cry
有吉 2012-5-26 21:30
loi: I am collecting 2011 news for Zai ba & LM
there are couple Japanese news
may I use your translation here at VCBB?
loi 2012-5-9 21:46
I also answered your question at my 留言板
I am not familiar using/answering at 留言板 here at vcbb yet
羽扇一搖 2012-5-9 21:16
loi: I just remember one episode of Sam Wang's TV programs
they did a section comparing F4 & 5566
focusing on the CDs these 2 groups had
that might be  ...

loi 2012-5-8 21:15
王子变青蛙 first
I thought that's interesting title
so I chose to watch it to see what's going on
I didn't like the leading guy (too mean)
but I like Sam Wang's role
it's funny because that's very simliar to how I felt about MG
then I watched 爱情魔法师
Still don't like the leading man
I watched most of Sam Wang's drama & TV programs (I quit after knowing Vic, but I will still watch some sometimes. Sam doesn't have much programs now, if he did, I only watch his part that his fans edited)
isn't that funny how 孙大炮 kept boasting about his groups & comparing them to F4 but by doing that brought me to know F4 & into Vic?
honestly being here without paying attention to Chinese news before the internet got popular while taking care of little kids I didn't know which stars/group were popular in TW
羽扇一搖 2012-5-8 18:53
loi: wow, very interesting information again
may I share some of my thoughts too?
I almost had the chance to be in the PT 賽車場臨演
but I read it in GW th ...
如月夕子是我姐 2012-4-20 15:08
loi: enjoy reading your message
羽扇一搖 2012-4-15 00:08
loi: 演技提升无极限,爱他者无数。。。
loi 2012-4-5 22:39
I don't have weibo
so I am glad to read them here  
那10字微薄介绍 is so poplar
& I love it too
羽扇一搖 2012-4-5 22:29
loi: wow, you have so much interesting information here
I need to remember to come here more often
nfuchushuimian 2012-3-14 17:38
loi: so you are suibian63011 in Zai ba?
我忘了回没回你老人家了,yes,I am suibian63011 in  zaiba。
渔民小紫 2012-3-2 05:30
loi: http://s.weibo.com/weibo/%E5%91%A8%E6%B8%9D%E6%B0%91
you can see the pictures here
thank you sooooooooooo much!!!!!
loi 2012-2-29 09:38
how long will they have the 20% off?
will the 20% off gone if
有吉 2012-2-29 09:31
loi: can I ask you a question?
about the JDB DVD
shall I order now or shall I wait?
will it come out some other stuff later or photo book?
I have a Japanes ...
有吉 2012-2-16 07:41
loi: have you heard this?
鳳飛飛 - 最後的歌聲
謝謝分享  昨天我又哭了好幾次。。。
loi 2012-1-21 21:52
3q very much
no wonder no one answer me
羽扇一搖 2012-1-21 21:14
今天在版上问:I need to ask couple stupid questions,what is DM?what does the title mean?
loi 2012-1-7 06:21
不敢, 不敢
周小冰 2012-1-6 13:13

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