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羽扇一搖 2011-3-5 08:38
loi: I enjoy reading some old news from the link you gave me.
I found some interesting information.
I like this one.
但对于三月十四日的日本白色情人节,仔仔 ...

loi 2011-3-4 10:13
Take your time.
I just want to let you know that I really like all those big/nice pictures.
I don't usually go to Tianya but I have to go to that thread of yours to check once a while.
i_no 2011-3-4 10:08
loi: Are you the 作者:i_nono of  [资深粉丝]那些曾经的,那些即将的,深度挖掘周仔仔系列专题~之(一)有型有色衬衫仔 on Tianya?
I really like that thread.
yossy 2011-3-4 08:25
loi: You must be the yossy I saw on yyli's plurk.
Thank you,loi ! 也在這裡請多多指教~!
羽扇一搖 2011-3-3 18:23
loi: I am such a slow learner.
I finally figuered out how to see the whole message you wrote.
Thank you for the hint.
loi 2011-3-3 05:25
I saw the notice this time.
But the last one I didn't get a notice I think.
I went to see the news in LM.
There were lots of them.
It will take me a while to read through them.
I also read soemthing for the frist time too.
It's amazing how a car accident news had so many stories.
羽扇一搖 2011-3-2 21:03
loi: How do I see the whole thing of your reply.
Is there more after ... ...?

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