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yingliang 2013-4-10 10:19
背心 2013-4-10 08:56
yingliang: 我在微薄找不到你呢。我早上聽到一段仔說馬來文的。大約8.35分的時段。你每天都錄吧,我想這幾天都會有不同的口號。
我在~~  有录到~~
vic米修米修 2013-3-23 11:04
yingliang: 不是詐騙啦。我想他們要在訪問帶出很好的效果,讓仔說一些普通節目上不說的吧,比較真誠,比較出動人心的訪問吧。
不必提起我啦,我是低調的仔迷, 呵呵。
不過你 ...
哎呀 我忘了写后缀啦 瞧给我激动地连Email地址都没写全 是64657095@qq.com 我是去现场的!!!为了这个我可是把整个联盟的帖子都数了一遍呢~
vic米修米修 2013-3-23 00:15
yingliang: 你好,昨天那位導演有在微薄短信我和你一樣的内容。但是她問我是否出席現場,因爲我並不在大陸,所以沒出席,她就沒回復我了。
現在看到你的帖子,了解了她要的檔 ...
那也就是说这个是真的 不是骗子咯?太棒了 谢谢 我Email是64657095 谢谢你提供这么重要的信息给我~
如果他们要是再联系我 我一定把你情况和他们说 争取让他们在节目中提到你!
yingliang 2013-3-8 20:48
Oh ya SuYin sis, I just wanna contact you in the morning but I have lost your hp number (due to I lost my handset last year), u could sms me again(same number). Now there are some vic fans in KL area are discussing about this, they already call and ask the organiser but still not yet have valid answer about the event venue and time. I already add you into the FB chatroom, we are preparing everything now. You are welcomed to join us. Hope to get your feedback dear ^^
sytwo 2013-3-8 15:10
Hi Yingliang!
I guess you already saw the news that ZZ is coming to Malaysia on 31st March? Are you planning to go? Do you have any info. where it is and what event is being planned? Other country fans like Som is asking me....I am blur blur and don't know where to check.
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